Gore (Kevin Spacey Kevin Spacey) is devastated by his wife's death, and Gore doesn't want to live without his wife for a minute. Persuaded by Aunt Agnes (Judy Dench Judi Dench), the frustrated Gore takes his daughter Bonnie (Alyssa Gainer) back to his hometown by the sea. There, Gore accepted a career as a journalist, specializing in reporting on the navigation of ships. Unlike expectations, the strange environment, the gloomy old house, and the sinister terrain, everything here made Gore more depressed and depressed, but as time went by, Gore gradually developed feelings for everything he once hated. At the same time, the appearance of beautiful woman Wei Wei (Julianne Moore Julianne Moore) makes Gore's heart produce long-lost tenderness and love, there is no incurable pain in the world, everything is developing in a good direction.