The story takes place in a villa called Wuthering Heights, where Heathcliff (James Hausen James Howson) is an orphan adopted by the villa owner, where he meets his adoptive father's daughter Catherine (Cajascodario Kaya Scodelario). With the passage of time, a sincere and pure relationship arises between Heathcliff and Catherine. However, in the end, Catherine chose to marry the rich farmer Linton (James Northcott James Northcote), and the heartbroken Heathcliff chose to leave. Heathcliff had not been heard from for many years, and when he appeared again in front of Catherine, he could already be described as "successful". Linton's sister Isabella (Nicola Nichola Burley) is deeply in love with Heathcliff, and Heathcliff seems to have a crush on her, but has Heathcliff really forgotten the betrayal?