Yoga Bear (voiced by Dan Aykroyd Dan Aykroyd) and Bobo Bear (voiced by Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake) are popular animals in Jerry Stone Park, living with many animal friends in the scenic Jerry Stone Park and working for the park. However, as time flies, Jerry Stone Park is facing a sharp decline in visitors. at the same time, in order to raise money to cover the deficit and use it for his own use, the greedy Mayor Brown decided to close Jerry Stone Park and sell the land. Faced with the mayor's conspiracy and the survival of his companions, Yogi Bear and Bobo Bear decided to unite the kind Rachel (voiced by Anna Faris Anna Faris) and work together to save the park. They began to try their best to attract tourists and restore their performance. however, things were not as simple as they had expected. This film is adapted from the 1961 animated series of the same name.