In the legendary era, when the Golden Knights left behind a hundred years after killing demons and exorcising demons, when the two moons were eclipsed together, there would be predictions of heroes like them. As time goes by, there are two princes with very different personalities in the kingdom of Maughan. The heir to the throne, Fabius (James Educardo Franco James Edward Franco), is a belligerent and popular hero, while the second Prince Tedders (Danny McBride Danny McBride) is good at screwing up any task and complains about the long-standing neglect of him. Prince Fabius rescues the perennially imprisoned teenage Belladona (Zoe Deschanel Zooey Deschanel) during a crusade against the evil wizard "poisonous lizard" and plans to marry her. The poisonous lizard rushes to the wedding scene to kidnap Belladona to complete the ceremony of giving birth to the dragon. Fabius embarked on a second journey to save Beladona with the reluctant Tedders. According to legend, acquiring the unicorn sword is their only chance to defeat the poisonous lizard.