Portrait of a Beauty

Portrait of a Beauty 6.5

The Beauty Picture tells the story of Shen Runfu, a famous talented painter disguised as a man in the history of North Korea. The father of Shen Runfu (Jin Minshan) entrusts the family's prosperity to the poor girl, hides her woman, appears as a man, and studies hard with some local painter Jin Hongdao (Jin Yinghao). To sell paintings to landlords to make a living. The rough Jiang Wu (Jin Nanji is acted the role of) is the market bronze mirror merchant, discovered Shen Runfu's woman identity by accident, fell in love with her, and made Runfu realize the love like fate as a woman. But Shen Runfu's teacher Jin Hongdao also had a wonderful feeling with his apprentice. He did not allow Xu Runfu to betray himself and did everything possible to stop Runfu and Jiang Wu. And the famous prostitute Snow (Qiu porcelain dazzling) is deeply in love with Jin Hongdao. Where will the four go? Can Shen Runfu and Jiang Wu guard their love? Will Shen Runfu's identity as a woman be revealed? Can she eventually change her life and become a famous painter in North Korea?

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