Salon Kitty

Salon Kitty 5.3

Under the leadership of the Fuhrer, the Nazi regime gradually stabilized. In order to further control the actions and thoughts of Nazi officers, the government carried out an evil plan. They turn a group of beautiful brainwashed women into high-end prostitutes played by communist officers to Mrs. Katie (Ingrid Turing Ingrid Thulin). While occupying the officers' bodies, the girls are secretly monitoring their thoughts to rule out dissidents. Margota (Theresa Ann Savoy Teresa Ann Savoy) is a loyal Nazi supporter, and she is young enough to join the ranks of prostitutes. However, in the course of carrying out the mission, she found that the reality was not as beautiful and bright as she had known. After a sudden awakening, she decided to give her modest strength to contribute to the plot to destroy the Nazis.