The story revolves around Daniel (Sami Naselli), a pizza courier turned taxi driver, and Emilian (Fredrik Defando), a handsome but confused Marseille policeman. Daniel's driving skills are superb. The taxi he drives has been specially modified and often drives speeding on the road. With the help of the modified taxi, he has assisted the Marseille police, who are always making mistakes, in solving cases many times; the policeman Emilian is Daniel's good friend, and the handsome man is sometimes a little confused and often does stupid things. Daniel is often needed to help him clean up his mess. Emilian and his Marseille police received an important task of guarding the Belgian terrorist leader being escorted across the border for 24 hours. The tall but not powerful Marseille police chief Gibel deployed a "net net". Unexpectedly, he almost lost the prisoner before he even left the airport, which made the military furious; while Emilian's beautiful and hot girlfriend, Peeta, received another undercover mission, and the two had to separate during the beginning of the holiday... The terrorist organization carefully planned a series of attacks in Marseille to rescue their leader. The French government seems to be prepared for this. A carefully planned serial game...