Amor Estranho Amor

Amor Estranho Amor 5.8
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1982
  • Running time: 1h 37m
  • Country: Brazil

At the end of the 1930s, the world situation was turbulent, and Brazil in South America was also on the eve of ups and downs. The handsome teenager Hugo (Marcelo Ribeiro) comes to the capital from the countryside with his grandmother Wei Wei, who pushes Hugo to his biological mother Anna (Vera Fischer) because of the difficulty of making a living. Anna is beautiful and sexy and is the lover of the politician Dr. Osama (Tac í sio Meira). She and another beautiful woman, Laura (ris Bruzzi), take care of Osama's luxury mansion. This magnificent place is home to many gorgeous girls, all of whom are the tools Osama uses to win over politicians. Hugo's pure and melancholy eyes have witnessed many ugliness in the adult world and experienced the initial initiation in his own heart. The film won the Best Actress Award (Vera Fischer) at the 1982 Brazilian Film Festival.




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