The story takes place in a fictional country of Elrado, where the whole country is full of battles among political forces, all of which are seen by Paul Romadins, an idealistic poet and journalist who has been trying to excavate political corruption for a long time. He tried to change the suffering of the country and the injustices of those societies through democratic elections. He offered advice to the Conservative candidates, but some political deals that he could not understand. He turned to support the other party, the Liberal Party, and both candidates were his friends, but the winning party, after taking the leadership, immediately overturned the campaign promise. Paul once again hovered between crazy politicians and the general public, he decided to stay away from politics, but soon Paul Romadins fell in a pool of blood on the road. This film is the most famous work of Grobel Rocha, the most important representative of the Brazilian New Film Movement. The film is set off with his long paper "the Aesthetics of The Aesthetics of Hunger Hunger" (also known as "the Aesthetics of The Aesthetics ofViolence violence"). In this paper, Rocha is highly political and passionate.