The film tells a story of finding a father in the late 1980s. Wula (Tanya Paraiorog Tania Palaiologou) and brother Alexander (Michaelis Zeke Michalis Zeke) overhear their mother say that their father, whom they have never met, is far away in Germany, so they are determined to embark on the arduous road of finding a father. However, what the mother said was just a lie-they were just the illegitimate children of some man in the world. However, the stubborn Wula hit the road with her brother. The journey was full of snow, mud, human cruelty and the ruthlessness of the world, and the two siblings struggled forward in endless cold and misery until they met the circus actor Oristi. His concern made Wula slowly let go of his defense. Wula took Alexander to Aristi's car, grateful to the only man who brought warmth to them. However, the desperate fate could not give Wula a respite, and she fell into the abyss again. The tired sister and brother finally came to Germany, but can they meet their father? maybe this trip is destined to be a cruel bar mitzvah.