Taylor (Charlie Sheen Charlie Sheen) is an American college student during the Vietnam War. He goes to the Vietnam front for military service and is assigned to an infantry unit. There are two people in the army who have always had a great influence on him-Elias (William Defoe Willem Dafoe) and Barnes (Tom Beringer Tom Berenger). The two of them have very different views on the war, the former can not bear to kill innocent people, while the latter makes you frightened by the killing of poisonous snakes and beasts. Taylor is very confused about who is right about the war. Barnes carried out a brutal massacre, and the whole village in Vietnam bled into a river. Elias urged his friends not to be so cruel, but suffered a rift in their relationship. Barnes is more suspicious of Elias snitching to his boss, and friendship turns into jealousy. So, in a jungle war, he pulled the trigger on Elias behind everyone's back. Taylor had an insight into all this, and he finally had the answer in his heart.