In an ordinary middle-class family made up of four siblings in Hanoi, the eldest sister Xiang has a son with her photographer husband Kun, but their sexual life is not harmonious. The second sister Qing (Li Qing) married the writer Jin not long ago. The younger sister Lin (Chen Nuyanxi) suffers from claustrophobia and maintains an ambiguous relationship with her younger brother Hai. On their mother's day of Ramadan, the three sisters recalled the mysterious man who was jokingly called "Mother's Tan". In order to get inspiration for writing, Jin went to Saigon to look for information about Tan. At this time, he found that Mei was pregnant and did not understand why Mei had to keep it a secret. Xiang had an affair while she was on a business trip in Kunming, while Lin was having an affair with the sea. Have a relationship with another boy. Through the surface of a peaceful life, the three sisters have secrets and worries that they do not want to know.